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Theme Builder, Mega Menu Builder, Brizy Sync, Lottie, Table & More

on 30 July 2020, by Dimi, in Blog, WordPress, PRO, Updates

This past year was an exciting ride as we developed the Brizy WordPress Plugin and the Brizy Cloud platform as part of our Brizy eco-system. The update today introduces the Brizy Theme Builder in WordPress but also brings tremendous flexibility by bridging the gap between WP and Cloud.

This huge update also marks the official launch of Brizy PRO, and if you are wondering why the 2.0 and not 1.0, the explanation is simple. Brizy was already launched in our eyes even if the update numbers showed otherwise and since we've done in less than 2 years what others did in 4 or more, it made sense to jump the 1.0 and go straight to 2.0.

Global Block Conditions

This will let you specify an automatic display condition – like 'Show on All Pages' – for any block that has been made 'Global'. You'll use this primarily for Headers and Footers but it actually works with any global block on your site (not just Header and Footer type of blocks).

Display Conditions will save you precious time when used with repeating blocks that needs to be shown on multiple pages, like Testimonials, Newsletter Sign-up, Call-To-Actions, Contact map, etc.

This feature completes the Theme Builder functionality. From now on, you can use Brizy to tackle every part of your WordPress site: create dynamic templates for your blog and archive page, display Headers and Footers automatically on all / specific pages, design custom 404, Maintenance & Login pages, build the Search results page and many more.

Brizy Sync

Brizy Sync is a feature that you'll not find in any other competing product. This adds unprecedented flexibility and ease-of-use by letting you save any block or even entire pages from a certain WordPress install and immediately access them on different WordPress admins or from Brizy Cloud.

No more exporting / importing code, no more cumbersome back-up workarounds just to bring designs from one site to another. You'll only need to connect your Brizy account and the Sync functionality will provide you with a library of Saved Blocks and Layouts, gathered from all your projects that are using Brizy.

You can start a project in Brizy Cloud and move it to WordPress anytime, or the other way around. The Sync functionality gives you peace of mind that you can start a project in one version and have the ability to switch it over to the other version in no time, if that becomes necessary.

Mega Menu Builder

You can turn on a mega menu for any menu item you have. This will allow you to create complex dropdown structures because the beauty of our mega menu is that it allows you full control. You can add any element from the sidebar the same way you do when you create your pages.

New Lottie Element

Add new animation on your Brizy landing pages or websites with the new Lottie element. Thousands of free and premium animation can be found on LottieFiles.

New Table Element

The long-awaited table element is here. Perfect to display tabular data., pricing & comparison tables. The cool thing about it, like with all our elements, is that you can drag anything in your tables: images, texts, buttons, icons you name it.

Working in Draft

This functionality was also long overdue, but starting today you can switch any page to Draft Mode and work on it without your visitors seeing the changes and incremental modifications. Just switch it to Draft, take your time to work on it and when ready, just go ahead and publish it.

Save & Clear Layout

You can clear a layout to start from scratch or save an entire page for later use at a click of a button. Saving layouts will come in handy when you want to save pages for later use in other projects. And with the introduction of Brizy Sync, you'll be able to move pages from Cloud to WordPress and the other way around in no time.

Absolute & Fixed Positions

This new feature will let you control the position of certain elements more easily and freely. Great for creating a fixed "Back to top" button, for example, or add a nice "Popular" ribbon in the corner of your pricing table. Just enable the option from the More Settings sidebar (under Styling tab) and drag it anywhere you want on the page.

Important to keep in mind not to use these options for the entire site content. Use them sparingly only where it makes sense, because using this functionality for everything will make it cumbersome to design the mobile versions of your pages.

Fixed Pixel Size for Images

We've added the option to set fixed 'px' size for images. You can select between '%' and 'px' for width and height. This will give you full control over your image sizes and will be perfect when you know exactly what dimensions you want a certain image to be displayed at.

Active Color State for Applicable Elements

We’ve introduced active color options for the following elements: Accordion, Switch, Tabs, Gallery & Menu. For these elements, you can now set normal, hover, and active colors. In these elements you will see a 3rd lateral tab (below Hover) when opening the Color options palete, that's where you can control the Active state just like in Regular and Hover tabs.

Before what's next for Brizy Cloud, let me give a shout out to our friends at Jooble where you can find many relevant web developer vacancies if you are looking for a remote web designer or web developer jobs.

What's coming next

We are currently working on a couple of new things, but next up will be a big design update for pre-made Layouts and Landing Pages.

After that, we have important developments in the pipeline, like: WooCommerce builder and also some features that were initially thought as Cloud-exclusive (Stories and Funnels) that will probably come to Brizy WordPress PRO as well.

Great things ahead.

Article by Dimi

Co-founder & CEO of Brizy, Dimi has a passion for Web projects with cutting-edge tech & great usability. He's always happy to share and connect with others.

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