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System Pages, SEO Improvements, Social Sharing Options

on 15 July 2021, by Dimi, in Blog, Cloud, FREE, Updates

Very exciting news for Brizy Cloud this week, we've added system pages control that lets you design the 404 pages, coming soon, and maintenance pages and even lock your entire project behind a password.

Besides this long-awaited functionality, we've greatly improved SEO options in Brizy Cloud and also added a Social sharing tab at the page level.

System pages

System pages are pages that you usually can't control in most CMS. Not without certain plugins or extended 3rd party functionality. Full design control over pages like the 404 error page opens up functional opportunities like funneling visitors on other pages if they get to a 404 error page.

The coming soon can help with generating leads and newsletter subscriptions as you work to bring your website to life. These pages are not critical and you can do without them, but having full control over them is great and will help in bringing a cohesive and complete experience for your visitors.

Find the System pages in the Brizy Cloud CMS in the left sidebar:

All the System pages come deactivated by default, and you can edit them from the icon on the right in the table.

We've also built a default design for each page (that I'll showcase below) with some nice Lottie animations that I think you'll like. Of course, once in the builder, you can control the page 100% with the same tools you are used in Brizy, but we wanted to give you a head start and not be forced to create your system pages from scratch.

1. The Coming Soon Page

Activate this system page when your website is in development.

2. The Maintenance Page

This system page will be displayed while your website is down for maintenance.

3. The Page Not Found or 404

This system page will be displayed when your visitors try to access a page that is not there.

4. The Password Protected Page

If you activate this page, your website will not be accessible without a password. Great when you are working with clients and want to give access to check work in progress.

SEO Improvements

SEO options are very important for your website. These will put you on the right track to rank on Google. Today, we've introduced big improvements on how you handle SEO options by giving you granular control starting from the global settings down to the page SEO settings. We've layered the options and created 3 levels of importance as follows:

The Page SEO Options

Every page, blog post, or custom post has an SEO tab where you'll find the custom SEO options, Title, and Description, for that page.

The SEO Title and SEO Description options are the most important ones and will be used no matter what you have in the Content or Global SEO settings. Always use the custom SEO options as it will give you full control over your SEO title and description.

The Page Content

If the SEO tab options are empty, we will fall back to the Content tab and use your page title and description. This is the 2nd level of importance in the SEO structure.

The Global SEO Options

Lastly, the global SEO options. You'll find these in the Brizy Cloud CMS under Project Settings. These are the least important options, think of them as a fallback in case you don't set anything at the page level.

Here you can set the global Site Title and Site Description. It's best to use a generic title and description here since these might be used on multiple pages.

These values will be overwritten (on the front end) if you set a custom SEO Title and SEO Description at the page level.

Social Sharing

The Social sharing options dictate how your page preview will look like when you share it on social networks like Facebook and Twitter or apps like What's App and Zoom. You can set social sharing options in two places.

The Social tab on pages and posts

Every page, blog post, or custom post has a Social tab where you'll find the upload for your sharing option image and a preview to give you an approximate idea of how your page preview will look like.

The title and description are taken automatically bases on the SEO priority as follows:

  • from the SEO tab
  • if there is nothing on the SEO tab, we take the Title & Description of the page from the Content tab
  • the last fallback, if nothing is set in the Content tab, we take the info from the global sharing options for the project

The global sharing options

You'll find the global sharing options in the Brizy Cloud CMS under Project Settings. Think of them as a fallback in case you don't set anything at the page level.

Use a generic title, description, and image thumbnail since these can be used for multiple pages if you didn't set something custom at the page level.

What's coming next

The team is working on a bunch of cool things, mostly improvements, and fixes but we also have new functionality in the works like multi-language websites and membership.

Great things ahead.

Article by Dimi

Co-founder & CEO of Brizy, Dimi has a passion for Web projects with cutting-edge tech & great usability. He's always happy to share and connect with others.

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